- This page. Only follow the link if you don't believe me. - Robert's main website - everything's linked from here for the most part. - I had a Russian version of the website, but my former fondness of that place I spent many years of my life on and in has been completely cured by putinissimo, putinism, and duganism so I abandoned it. - has also 'Soviet' version of same for fun, also abandoned because of the satanic evil the russian state, their equally monstrous church, and the many russians who cheer on their fascist dictator's demonic fixation on war against anything moral in what's left of the sane world. putinist fascism makes soviet totalitarianism (the second-most completely evil political entity in recent history) seem like polite culture by comparison, which it was not. - The original rjl domain, maybe a blog sometime if I ever get interested in that. Charming French host company. Abandoned. - The Upper Peninsula Bicycle Touring information website. [new 2009; added to from time to time] - In case I ever want to do any commercial UP bicycle touring projects. Abandoned. - Information on the late great Michigan Conservation and Michigan Natural Resources magazines, published by the state between 1931 and 1999 (it was killed off by the engler regime). [new 2010; added to from time to time] - Me as a consulting company - mapping, ecology, photography, and so forth. Abandoned. - In case people spell it with one L instead of two (which was the original spelling of the ghost town after which it's named, so there). Abandoned. - Undisclosed. For clandestine operations only. Not abandoned, because it never existed and still does not!
Others.I also made a few organizational websites, and one or two commercial ones that were of some use.
That's the Barguzin Mountains across Lake Baikal from the Ushkanii Islands in the background, by the way. 1995. Those were the days. It's not the lake's fault that the humans are so fucked up.